The CleanUp 2024 Technical Tour showcases contaminated sites that have been redeveloped into world-class facilities, giving delegates an insider’s view of real-world contamination problems and their innovative solutions.
Date: Thursday, 19 September 2024
Time of departure: Arrive at 8:30 am for 9:00 am departure
Location of departure: West entrance of Adelaide Convention Centre
Time of return to Adelaide Convention Centre: 3:30 pm
Registration fee: $135
Light refreshments and lunch are included.
Participants are required to wear long pants, long-sleeved tops shirt and closed shoes (no sandals or thongs).
Download tour information below for the final details of where to meet, what to bring/wear, tour inclusions and the Itinerary
For almost five decades, Tonsley was a cornerstone of South Australia’s manufacturing industry, the home of Chrysler Australia and later Mitsubishi Motors.
The primary contaminants of concern across the site are trichloroethylene (TCE) and petroleum hydrocarbons. Found predominantly in groundwater, these contaminants present a vapour intrusion risk to new buildings. Extensive soil, groundwater and soil vapour sampling, as well as conceptual site modelling and risk assessments, have been undertaken to ensure all allotments are suitable for their proposed use, along with source removal where possible. Currently over 150 environmental reports have been produced for the site, including three completed audits and three in progress.
Today, Tonsley Innovation District unites individuals, businesses and researchers looking to collaborate, test, build and grow in a flexible and supportive environment. With a focus on high-value manufacturing, Tonsley incorporates collaborative meeting and work spaces, providing world-class facilities to help take new ideas from concept to market.
Committed to adaptive reuse
Tonsley Innovation District is a world-leader in sustainability and Australia’s first urban renewal development to receive the internationally recognised 6 Star Green Star – Communities certification.
A significant sustainability feature is the adaptive reuse of the former automotive manufacturing Main Assembly Building (MAB). Retaining and redeveloping the MAB prevented the emission of approximately 90,000 tonnes of carbon. This is equivalent to removing 25,000 cars from the road for a year.
While being refurbished, the MAB was structurally reinforced to allow as many as 20,000 solar panels to be installed on its roof. Currently under construction, this solar installation will be one of Australia’s largest rooftop solar arrays.
The adaptive reuse of the Western Plant and Boiler House facilities continues Tonsley’s commitment to sustainability.
A groundwater TCE plume within the uppermost Quaternary Aquifer (and associated soil and soil vapour impacts) originated beneath a former plating shop at the Tonsley Innovation District within an area referred to as Lot 343. Lot 343 is currently used as a carpark, with plans to develop the allotment (and neighbouring allotments) into a commercial precinct to service the growing Tonsley community. As such, Lot 343 is subject to a Site Contamination Audit.
As part of this audit, Renewal SA agreed with the South Australian Environment Protection Authority to remediate the source of TCE originating in the northern portion of this allotment. A remediation options assessment identified enhanced biodegradation as the preferred remedial approach, due to minimal site disturbance, proven effectiveness at similar TCE sites, and relative cost effectiveness. Challenges to the effective reductive dichlorination of TCE to ethene, water and chloride include aerobic aquifer conditions, absence of appropriate microbes, and low permeability aquifer materials. The environmental team at Renewal SA, which is working on the remediation of this site, will present to delegates before providing an on-site demonstration.
The Hydrogen Park SA (HyP SA) within Tonsley Innovation District was developed by Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG). It is a novel energy project aiming to produce renewable hydrogen gas. Supported by the South Australian Government with grant funding of $4.9 million, HyP SA is aligned with the State’s vision to use its wind, sun, land, infrastructure and skills to be a world-class renewable hydrogen supplier. The first production took place in May 2021, and HyP SA will continue producing renewable hydrogen using water and renewable electricity through electrolysis.
The hydrogen will be blended with natural gas and supplied to nearby homes and businesses via the existing gas network. There is also potential for supply to industrial sites and transport via tube trailers (long storage tubes on the back of semi-trailers).